The Wicked Problems Collaborative
The WPC Podcast
Ep. 11: Jamie Cooke

Ep. 11: Jamie Cooke

Resetting Our Foundations

What might universal basic incomes have to offer?

The latest contributor interview for WPC Book #2, What do we do after the pandemic?was with Jamie Cooke, the head of RSA Scotland. We talked about his chapter, Resetting our Foundation, in which he worked to help the reader understand the potential benefits of universal basic income programs.

We also talked more broadly about social programs and their general deterioration over the decades, as well as ways to connect with people who don’t see the value in such programs. Jamie’s commentary was loaded with insights and hope for a better path forward. I hope you enjoy the listen.

WPC Book #2: What do we do after the pandemic? is available now.

Jamie Cooke is the Director of RSA Scotland, leading the organisation’s work across a broad range of topics and thematic areas. Areas of interest include resilient cities, the future of work, inclusive growth and civic participation, alongside international relationships between Scotland and the rest of the world (especially the US, Australia, New Zealand and France). Jamie is a leading advocate, writer and speaker on the subject of Basic Income, which has moved from being a fringe concept to live policy consideration in many countries, including Scotland.

You can follow Jamie on Twitter.

Next up is my interview with Jonathan Cohn, my editing partner for the Wicked Problems Collaborative. We had an interesting discussion about the book in general, as well as a bit about the current state of affairs. Stay tuned for that and please help us find our audience by sharing this post.


If you enjoy this episode, please check out some of the other WPC Book #2 interviews.

WPC Book #2: What do we do after the pandemic? is available now.

The Wicked Problems Collaborative
The WPC Podcast
Matters of import, or something like that...